Imam Warithudeenm Mohammed

What will protect us from the tendency to be taken off course by emotionalism or sentimental influences?  When we identify in this religion and the Qur'an in this religion, when...

Imam Warithudeenm Mohammed

I was in the audience like you and with you and we heard the Honorable Elijah Mohammed say, "We're going to get everyone of them." Now, that's my belief, that...

What is Muslim education? Muslim education is Qur'anic based knowledge; now if we've got a Muslim school and we're talking about we're teaching Muslims then we should be forming our...

Imam Warithudeenm Mohammed

I  BELIEVE it's important for us to see the personalities that have contributed to the history of the African-American people and to understand their important role in shaping the movement...

"Rabta", in Arabic is a ball tie and the language of scripture has ties. I'm speaking of ties for meaning and understanding for the language itself. So if you don't...

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