Saturday, November, 12, 2011 MWDM 3rd Annual Youth Retreat Time:6pm(Saturday)-7am(Sunday) An All-nighter for the development of Taqwa and Iman in our muslim youth
Sunday, November, 6, 2011 Eid Al Adha Time:8am Takbeer start at 8am, Salta at 9am Eid Picnic at Masjid WDM Time:2-6pm Celebrate the Greater Eid with Fun, Food, &Friends. Masjid will provide the Meat, Ummah will provide the rest (Potluck)
Saturday, November 5, 2011 Kamp Khalil Pre-Eid Fundraising Brunch Time:11-2pm Great food and oratorical performances. Support the development of Islamic Character and moral excellence in our youth