So often when single Muslims are looking for a place to meet other Muslims they run into the dreaded questions, "Where do I go to meet quality people?" and "How do I do this in a Halal manner?" These are very valid questions, especially for those who don't have the networks established by family or friends to assist in their search for the other half of their Deen.  Well, this February, Masjid Warithudeen Mohammed provided such a venue.  The event was provided as a "safe" and "Halal" environment where those looking for spouses were to be able to "mix and mingle" within the guidelines of Islam.  There were married couples (acting as Walis)  who facilitated group activities which allowed singles at the tables to get to know each other a bit better within the time that was allotted to them (the format of the event was essentially a question and answer program similar to speed dating only longer).
 There was a huge turnout for the event!  People from all over Houston and beyond attended and it was definitely the place to be!  The Masjid was full of singles "looking for love" at what turned out to be the right place. The event was surprisingly balanced.  Usually when there are "singles events" held within the city there are too many sisters and too few brothers in attendance OR there are age differentials that make any pairings a bit challenging to say the least.  This event was not like that at all.   I can enthusiastically report that this event had what appeared to be an even number of brothers to sisters and the age differential was unnoticeable!  This event brought out brothers and sisters, all of which were striving on an Islamic, educational or career path.  It was quite refreshing to see so many quality  people come out.  The evening went smoothly, and flowed very nicely.  The games the attendees were given to play were fun but focused and the time allotted to get better acquainted was just enough for anyone to be able to make a good or a not so good impression.
 For those of you who are looking to meet that special person and are looking for a fun, safe and Halal place to do that, I would suggest you be on the look out for the next singles event at Masjid Warithudeen Muhammad.  You never know who you'll meet but you'll be glad  that you attended. Sis Sacha Simmons

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