"When Friday comes, we say this day is Jumah and I train my little children to say the same thing. I train them to say Friday is Ju-mah, that's our term for Friday. Yaumal Jumah, the day of Jumah. According to the teaching of Mohammed the Prophet (saw) our leader, Friday is the best day in the week and the best of all the days, even better than both Eid days. And this is demonstrated too, the proof of this is this, no matter-- you can come and say Eid prayer on Fri-days, Eid prayer Friday morning, but you can't for-get about Jumah, though it's an Eid day, you still have to have a Jumah on Friday. The celebration comes on Friday, you cannot say "Oh this is Eid we don't have to do Jumah", you have to do Jumah. You have to pray and also give Jumah Lec-ture, so that tells us that the Eids are not more im-portant than Friday."
Quote from: Imam WD Mo-hammed Ramadan Sessions 2001 Page 10

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